The night of the middle of Sha’ban. How do we help the Messenger in the month of Sha’ban? From my Friday prayer sermon on June 13, 2014

Submitted on Fri, 23/02/2024 - 04:59
(Video + summary of the two Friday prayer sermons on June 13, 2014 AD)

First sermon:

Second sermon:

The month of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family, has many virtues in it, and we mentioned it in the previous sermon. 

This is the month in which is the night of the middle of Sha’ban. This is the night that God Almighty honored, and the People of the House, peace be upon them, said (Indeed, God Almighty has made it for us in exchange for what He made the Night of Destiny for our Prophet).

This month and this night in which God Almighty looks at His creation and forgives all of His creation except for a polytheist or a quarrel, the night in which Imam Mahdi, peace be upon him, was born. Whoever wants God Almighty to forgive him on this night, let him disavow polytheism.

What is the polytheism from which one must be absolved?

Polytheism, if you want to define it, is every action that you seek to do other than the face of God.

Every action we do, we desire, want, or wish for so-and-so to look at us and praise us or commend us, in it we are associating others with God Almighty.

Polytheism is not that you stand and then worship a stone or a tree.. One of the forms of polytheism is every action that you intend to do other than the face of God Almighty, then you are a polytheist in it.

And who among us has not heard the words of the Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali bin Abi Talib, peace be upon him: (Beware of hypocrisy, for it is the minor polytheism) Hypocrisy is the minor polytheism with God Almighty. Every action we hope, wait for, or do in order to be praised among the people is something that God Almighty has mentioned in Polytheism.

As for the quarrel, he is the one who carries malice or hatred in his chest.
He who carries a grudge in his chest will not find, on this noble and blessed night, pardon from God Almighty nor forgiveness for his sins. He who carries and desires the praise of people, or carries in his heart a grudge or hatred, should not expect that he will have the pardon of God Almighty to be shown mercy.

On this blessed night, which has all its merits, in it and in the entire month, you should help the Messenger of God in his month, while you know that he doesn’t need a helper, and that obedience to him is only obedience to God Almighty. How do you help the Messenger of God during his month?

It helps him to avoid the prohibitions that he had forbidden you to do, to do what you were commanded to do, to pray abundantly upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad whenever you mention him or whenever you hear someone mentioning him, to return to the manners of the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, and make this month of his a month of righteousness and a month of fear and a month of glory, a month of Fasting as many days as you can, a month of reading the Book of God Almighty, and a month contemplating the verses in which reward is mentioned, to ask God Almighty to have a share of what He has mentioned, and in the verses in which fire and punishment are mentioned, to seek protection from God and seek help from God lest any of it befall you.

To help the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and his family is to be a good neighbor to those with whom you are neighbours.

To help him and his family is to honor your family.

To help him is to be kind to your children and to be kind to your family.

To help him is not to be a reason for saying that so-and-so among the Muslims commits evil deeds and does what he does.

If you want to be among those who helped the Messenger of God and among those who helped his pure family, peace be upon them, strive to be obedient, strive to be among those who are praised when he is mentioned.

The best doer is the doer of goodness and righteousness.

So be diligent in your acts of obedience and work hard.

One may weigh by your good deeds

Not by increasing wealth or children

O Allah, bless Muhammad and his family......