Be of Hussaini opinion, Hussaini character, Hussaini witness, Hussaini conduct, and Hussaini ethics.
The Final Sermon of the Friday Prayer on August 26, 2022
By Sheikh Tamam Ahmad, may Allah protect him,
Imam Jaʻfar Al-Sādiq Mosque (A) \ ʻAin Hfāḏ Village \ Sāfita
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
On the tenth of al-Muharram, the Battle of Karbalaʼ took place. From this significant event, we must try to ascertain the facts, and delve into its details to see if it was merely a historical event in a bygone nation or if it remains relevant to this day. If it remains relevant, how should we view it today?
The Commander of the Faithful, Ali ibn Abi Talib (peace be upon him), was told by someone after his victory in one of the battles against the Kharijites at Nahrawan: "O Commander of the Faithful, I wish my brother had been with us to witness what Allah has granted you." This man’s brother was not present with them.
Imam Ali (peace be upon him) asked him: "Did your brother support us? Does he lean towards us with his heart? Does he consider us to be on the right path?"
The man replied: "Yes".
Imam Ali (peace be upon him) then said: "He has witnessed us. He has witnessed us even if he did not see us, he has witnessed us even if he was not physically present with us, he has witnessed us. And people from the loins of men and wombs of women will witness us in our battlefield; time will reveal them, and faith will be strengthened by them."
He has witnessed us in our battlefield (our camp), people in the loins of men and wombs of women who have not yet been born, but if they lean towards path and believe in our truth, it is as if they have witnessed us, even if they have not been born.
Therefore, one must consider the culture they receive and the morals they acquire, as they are imprinted in their mind and their genes, passed on to their descendants. So, if you want to establish a generation with a firm culture, strong morals, and consistent thought, directed towards the values of humanity, you must first acquire that culture.
If someone in this era sees the truth in what Imam Hussain stood for, it is as if they have witnessed the Battle of Karbalaʼ. Conversely, those who see it differently are among those Imam Hussain (peace be upon him) referred to when he arrived at the land of Karbalaʼ and asked: "What is the name of this land?" They replied: "The land of Karbalaʼ". He said:
(This is distress and affliction, I seek refuge with Allah from distress and affliction. Here is our resting place, here is where our men will be killed, here is where our blood will be shed.)
(I seek refuge with Allah from distress and affliction. People are the children of this worldly life, and religion is but a lick on their tongues, protecting it as long as it sustains their lives, but when tested, true adherents are few).
When tested, true adherents are few. This is a characteristic that persists across all ages, and thus Sheikh Hussein Saʻūd, may Allah bless his soul, said:
"Will the neck of Hussain be cut in every age
by the merciless blade of Yazid?"
al-Hussain (peace be upon him) is a symbol of truth in every era, and his enemies are symbols of falsehood in every era. Whenever falsehood prevails over truth, it represents a Hussaini scene, and whenever truth triumphs over falsehood, it represents a Hussaini scene. This signifies that truth, no matter how long it is suppressed, must eventually prevail and falsehood must perish.
Let everyone reflect on how to embody the Hussaini character; it is enough to witness Karbala in one's conduct and morals. To say "NO" to the oppressor, to say "NO" to the aggressor, to not submit to the orders of an arrogant tyrant on this earth. By doing so, one embodies the Hussaini opinion, the Hussaini character, the Hussaini witness, and the Hussaini conduct.
Any reader can recount history; no one is incapable of reading or having it read to them about what happened in Karbala. But the wisdom today is to remember the saying of our master, the Commander of the Faithful (peace be upon him): "Did your brother support us? If he supported us, he has witnessed us." The wise person is the one who can witness every day in the battle between truth and falsehood the symbolism of Imam Hussain and the symbolism of the enemies of Imam Hussain.
We ask Allah Almighty to make us among those who listen to the word and follow the best of it.
O Allah, send blessings upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, blessings that You accept our prayers with, answer our supplications, forgive our sins, erase our misdeeds, enrich our poverty, and mend our brokenness. Indeed, You are capable of all things.
O servants of Allah, Allah commands justice, the doing of good, and liberality to kith and kin, and He forbids all shameful deeds, and injustice and rebellion: He instructs you, that ye may receive admonition. (Al-Nahl 90).
O Allah, make us among those who are admonished and remember, who are warned and heed, who hear and obey, and who are shown and see.
I say this and seek Allah's forgiveness for me and for you.