In the Name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, Most Merciful
The biography of the honourable Sheikh H̱usayn Muẖammad al-Mad͟hlūm -God save him- from the standpoint of the Alawite Islamic Library’s administration:
Who is Sheikh H̱usayn?
He is a member of the legitimate body in the Alawite Islamic Senate in Lebanon. He is Lebanese and born in 1970 in Tripoli-Lebanon, currently living in Jabal Mūẖsin.
Dedicating himself to acquiring spiritual knowledge and religious ethic, sheikh H̱usayn could achieve what others couldn’t. He was a pupil of scholar sheikh ʻAli Al-Khaṯīb (Zāhed)1 who brought him up with all means of care and built the bridges for him towards knowledge and cognition. He was the best patron and supporter for him.
Sheikh al-Mad͟hlūm has excelled in various arts. His inventive mind became rich enough to overflow with writing. He introduced several writings that were his effective weapons in the battles of defending the Alawite madhhab and its important men and highlighting the Alawite truth which he always loved and displayed with the most beautiful visualizations.
Owing to his writings, he gained unique support and commendations from most of his contemporary scholars, and this made him one of the official spokesmen on behalf of the noble Alawite madhhab.
In addition, he has held the position of religious leadership’s president of the "Alawite Islamic Association" for many years. He has been in charge of Mosques and Religious Discourses Committee, where he was the source of trust and confidence for all people as he worked to authenticate, regulate, and mainstream the religious discourses in order to preserve the Alawite identity and ensure the immunization of the society. Also, he confronted many outsider interference and meddling attempts in the Alawite sect’s affairs during his presidency of the religious leadership. Equally important is his standing up against many deviation and misrepresentation attempts that had arisen from internal differences and disagreements.
He was distinguished by courage, daring, and facing the challenges of research and authoring. In our library, we owe him a prior favor and a wide range of answers for the incoming questions which include a lot of valuable issues and investigations.
His supreme motivation is still present, and ongoing.
Sheikh H̱usayn al-Mad͟hlūm is an Alawite role model.
Dear reader, click here to see some of his books.
- 1Zāhed: a village in Tartūs-Syria