Q&A with Imam Sheikh ʻAbd al-Laṯīf Ibrāhīm
The wise Imam Sheikh ʻAbd al-Laṯīf Ibrāhīm (Āl Murhij) says: [poem]
The religion of the Book and the Sunnah is adequate for the servants [of God]
Every saying without a witness and guidance out of them, put it up at auction [neglect it]
He also says: [poem]
O family of the Mus̱ṯafá, I hold on to your love in my life and my religion
It's [your love] mixed with my flesh, my blood, and my soul before it wears the clay [the body]
And with it I became a pious and a true believer of the people of the right [review al-Wāqiʻah 27]
After the visit to the Alawite areas which was mentioned in his book “Jurisprudence According to the Five Schools about the Rulings of Estate” in the chapter, “compelling reasons and obstacles,” the mujtahid ʻAllāmah Sheikh Moẖammad Jawād Mughniyyah sent a letter to the honourable ʻAllāmah Sheikh ʻAbd al-Laṯīf Ibrāhīm on April 23rd 1961, which we think it is necessary to be quoted here:
“I am very delighted and comfortable to the fullest extent after my visit to the esteemed Alawite brothers. I touched their sincerity, faith, and adherence to the righteous religion, and I knew with complete certainty that there is no single difference between us and them, thank God a thousand times. And I felt, despite the short time spent with you, the kindness, dignity, and purity evident in your good self, as well as the comprehension, knowledge, sense and religious awareness. May God bless the ummah more people like you; you are an example that never leaves my mind and my heart.
And again I say: I was very happy with the Alawite brothers in general and with you in particular.
Brother, we are one hand, through one path towards one end and one goal.
- The path is the true loyalty to the people of rightness.
- As for the goal: God’s approval.”
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