Some of the questions addressed to BAYTULHUDA The House of Guidance and answered by his Eminence Sheikh Tammam Ahmad may Allah protect him.
1. I would like to learn how to pray and be motivated to return to religion when I feel lost?
The answer: As for learning to pray, it is taken from a teacher, from a book, or from video clips published on the Internet.
As for returning to religion, this is only by constantly remembering God, supplicating, and asking for protection and infallibility. ((Our Lord, forgive us and have mercy on us. Our Lord do not let us forget to mention You. Oh God, inspire us with Your gratitude. Oh God, accept our repentance..)) and the like; Such expressions bring the servant closer to their Lord, God knows best.
2. I want to learn how to pray and talk more about Islam, and how Alawites are different from others.
The answer: As for learning to pray, the answer to that has already been answered.
As for speaking about Islam and its virtues, it only comes from reading, or asking people of knowledge about it.
As for knowing the characteristics of Alawite Muslims, and how they are distinguished from others, this can only be achieved by asking the scholars about what the student would like to know and by reading the books written in this regard, including: The Book of Certain News about the Alawites “An-Naba’ al-yaqeen ‘an al-‘alawiyyeen”, by Sheikh Mahmoud Al-Saleh, and the collections of our sheikhs, including: Sheikh Suleiman Ahmad And Sheikh Abdul Latif Ibrahim, and Sheikh Mahmoud Suleiman Al-Khatib, God knows best.
3. Learn the religion, know prayer by heart, and get closer to God Almighty, God willing, O Lord, and memorize the Qur’an by heart, God willing.
The answer: The servant draws near to their Lord only by obeying Him in what He has commanded them to do like prayer, zakat, fasting, and lawful earning, and in what He has forbidden them to do like lying, deceit and eating forbidden things. Whenever a servant obeys their Lord, God brings them near and honours them.
As for memorizing the Holy Qur’an: The best way is to set a program to memorize one or more verses every day, and to repeat until it sticks in mind, and to ask God to grant them success in memorizing His book, God knows best.
4. . Talk about the angel Gabriel (peace be upon him) and learn how to pray!
The answer: Gabriel (peace be upon him) is one of the honoured angels, and he is the angel who conveys the revelation to the prophets. God Almighty mentioned him in His Noble Book in verses, like:
(97) Say, "Whoever is an enemy to Gabriel - it is [none but] he who has brought it [i.e., the Qur’ān] down upon your heart, [O Muḥammad], by permission of Allāh, confirming that which was before it and as guidance and good tidings for the believers."
(98) Whoever is an enemy to Allāh and His angels and His messengers and Gabriel and Michael - then indeed, Allāh is an enemy to the disbelievers. [sourat al-bakarah].
The meaning of his name is: Man of God, “Gebr'' means man, and “iel” means God.
He is called Gabriel: The Faithful Spirit. Because the Qur’an was revealed to the seal of the prophets, our Master Muhammad (PBUH), and God Almighty mentioned him in His saying:
(192) And indeed, it [i.e., the Qur’ān] is the revelation of the Lord of the worlds.
(193) The Trustworthy Spirit [i.e., Gabriel] has brought it down
(194) Upon your heart, [O Muḥammad] - that you may be of the warners
(195) In a clear Arabic language. [Surat Al-Shu'ara'], God knows best.
5. How do we know the time of prayer?
The answer: According to the time in the country in which you live, or according to what was narrated on the authority of Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them), and that is for a person to stand and look at the shadow of his body. If the length of shadow is equal to the body, that is the time of noon (Zhoror), and if it is double (meaning double the length of the body) then that is the time of the afternoon (‘asr), and if the disk of the sun sets, that is the time of sunset (Magrib). If twilight disappears, that is dinner time (‘ishaa’).
The time for the (Fajr) prayer: between the rising of dawn and the rising of the sun, that is: from the beginning of the appearance of the sun’s rays until the time of its rising and the appearance of its disk. And the time of the night prayer: from midnight until the end of the night, God knows best.
6. Prayer etiquette!
The answer: Submissiveness to God, and prayer with the intention of sincerity and obedience, God knows best.
7. When there is a group of women who want to pray together, can one of them lead the rest, and is it permissible for them to watch the recording of prayer instruction, imitate it, and take it in the place of the imam?
The answer: A woman may lead other women in prayer, but she should stand in the middle of them and not in front of them. This is in voluntary prayers, not in obligatory prayers.
As for watching recorded clips, there is nothing wrong with learning from them, but it is not permissible to take it in the place of the imam; It is essential for the imam and the person being led to be in one place, God knows best.
8- Why do Sunni Muslims cross or fold their arms during prayer? Is it because of the way Umar was killed?
The Answer: the reason for this practice; that they believe it is correct that the Prophet (peace be upon him) used to pray by placing his right hand over his left. God knows best.
9- Can Muslims combine prayers, and how is this done? When can I start combining prayers and when does it end? Is there a specific time or supplication to separate the prayers? Do we need to say the call to prayer (Iqamah) for each prayer again?
Similar question: If I miss a prayer, can I pray it with another prayer? For example, Dhuhr with Asr or Dhuhr with Asr and Maghrib?
The Answer: Combining prayers is permissible for those in need, but it is recommended that each prayer be performed within its designated time. If someone intends to combine two prayers, they should start with the one that has been delayed, and then pray the subsequent one in order. There is no specific time for combining prayers; each prayer has its designated time. The time for combining prayers is whenever it is convenient for the individual to pray, and if one combines two prayers, there is no need to separate them.
For example, how to combine Dhuhr and Asr prayers:
First, I proclaim the time of prayer (adhan), then call Iqamah, followed by praying Dhuhr. After that, call Iqamah, followed by praying Asr.
Each prayer should have an adhan and an iqamh. In Dhuhr, Asr, and Isha prayers. Even though, it is sufficient to have just one iqamah without adhan in Dhuhr, Asr, and Isha prayers. However, in Fajr and Maghrib prayers, both are required, adhan and iqamah. God knows best.
10- what is the difference between (Azhān) and (Iqāmah), and is it obligatory for the worshipper to say both of them?
The Answer: it is allowed to call Azhān without ablution (ritual washing), and to do that while standing or sitting. On the other hand, it is not allowed to call iqāmah without ablution or to do that while sitting.
The volume of the voice during Azhān should be louder than during Iqāmah.
Azhān should be recited more deliberately than Iqāmah.
A brief pause should be observed between Azhān and Iqāmah by sitting briefly, extolling God (Tasbēh), or praying two bowings (Rakʻahs), or taking a step towards the Qibla.
It is also well-known to supplicate between Azhān and Iqāmah with the following prayer:
"O Allah, Lord of this perfect call and established prayer, bestow blessings upon Mohammad and the family of Mohammad, give Mohammad his request on the Day of Resurrection. Amen, Lord of all the worlds.
O Allah, I make a request of You and turn towards You by means of your Prophet, the Prophet of Mercy, Mohammad, peace and blessings be upon him and his family. By virtue of their intercession, I request You all my needs. send blessings upon them, make me deserve their intercession in this world and the Hereafter, close to them, and make my prayers through them accepted, and my supplications answered. Bestow a favor on me by obeying them, O Most Merciful of the merciful."
As for women, they have a choice to call both; Adhan and Iqāmah. or just say ‘Allah is greater’ (Takbēr), and the Two Declarations of Faith (Shahādah).
11. Is it obligatory to clean with Siwak (tooth stick)? What is Siwak at all?
The Answer: Using (siwak) is a recommended Sunah, not obligatory, and praying with it is preferable. God knows best.
Any new question about prayer, we will add it here God willing (Administration of the Alawite Islamic Library)