Supplication in defense against the plots of enemies and the repulsion of their power, by Imam Zain al-Abidin (Ali bin Husayn)

Submitted on Fri, 06/12/2024 - 04:39
 (Supplication 49) in the book of (AS̱-S̱AH̱IFA AS-SAJJĀDIYA)

His Supplication in defense against the plots of enemies and the repulsion of their power.

My God, You have guided me, yet I strayed. You admonished me, but I became hard-hearted. You showed me kindness, but I disobeyed. Then I recognized what You had decreed when You made it clear to me. So I asked for Your forgiveness, and You pardoned me. I returned to You, and You concealed my faults. To You, O my God, belongs the praise.

I have ventured into the valleys of destruction and entered the dangerous paths. I exposed myself to Your wrath, and in those places, I faced Your punishments.

My means to You is the oneness of Your divinity, and my refuge is the fact that I have not associated anything with You. I have not taken anyone as a god beside You. I fled to You with my soul, and You are the refuge of the wrongdoer, the shelter of the one who has lost their own well-being.

How many enemies have drawn their swords of enmity against me, sharpened their weapons to harm me, and aimed their arrows of destruction at me. Yet, Your watchful eye never rested, and their desire to harm me was thwarted by Your power.

You, O my God, looked upon my weakness in bearing their overwhelming calamities and my inability to defend myself against those who sought to fight me. You saw my isolation against the many who opposed me and my inability to reason my way out of the dangers.

But You began by granting me victory and supported me with Your strength. You then took their power away, making them weak after gathering their forces, and You raised me above them. You made their efforts fail and returned their evil back upon them. They departed in frustration, their anger still burning, and they had no victory over me.

How many have plotted against me with deceit, laid traps for me, and conspired to watch me fall? They showed me false smiles, but inwardly they harbored intense hatred. Yet, when You, O my God, saw through their deception and unveiled their ugly secrets, You turned them back, humiliated them, and made their plans fail.

How many times have I been targeted by an envious foe, slandered, and falsely accused? They tried to damage my reputation, but when You, O my God, intervened, You exposed their lies and protected me from their malicious schemes.

I cried out to You, O my God, seeking Your help, trusting in Your swift response, knowing that no one who seeks refuge in Your shadow will be oppressed, and no one who seeks Your support will be terrified. You fortified me with Your power, and I was protected from their harm.

How many times have You cleared away the clouds of misfortune from me, showered me with blessings, and spread mercy and well-being upon me, hiding my faults and lifting me out of distress? You have done all this as a favor and grace, even though I have failed in fulfilling Your commands. Despite my transgressions, You completed Your kindness to me, never letting my mistakes hinder Your mercy.

You, O my Lord, have answered my requests and granted my supplications, even before I asked, and You bestowed Your grace upon me without my plea. You refused to treat me with anything but kindness and generosity, and I, in turn, have transgressed Your boundaries, forgotten Your warnings, and committed what displeases You. For You, O my God, are beyond being questioned for what You do.

I acknowledge all of this as a sign of Your abundant mercy, while I fall short in fulfilling my duties. O Allah, I now draw close to You through the noble Muhammadan legacy and the pure Alawite lineage. I appeal to You through them to protect me from this harm and any other, for such things are not too difficult for You, and You are capable of everything.

Grant me, O my God, through Your mercy and continued guidance, what I need to ascend toward Your pleasure and protect me from Your punishment. You are the Most Merciful of the merciful. 1

  • 1Translation to English by: chatgpt