Some of the questions addressed to BAYTULHUDA The House of Guidance and answered by his Eminence Sheikh Tammam Ahmad may Allah protect him.
1. Communicate more with our religion!
The answer: Reading religious books so that the woman obtains the information that enables her to engage in religious conversation, God knows best.
2. I would like to learn how to integrate religion into our secular society, because it can be difficult to live in a mostly non-religious society!
The answer: Secular society cares more about morals than anything else and sees human beings as free in his choice. Whoever wants to revive religion in secular society may mention the religious narrations that stipulate honouring and respecting human beings, and indicate the status of morals in Islam, including the Prophet’s hadith: ((Indeed from faith is good morals, and the best of you in faith is the best of you in morals.)), God knows best.
Any new question in this context, we will add it here, God willing. (Administration of the Alawite Islamic Library)