Some of the questions addressed to BAYTULHUDA The House of Guidance and answered by his Eminence Sheikh Tammam Ahmad may Allah protect him.
1. What is our role as Alawite Muslim girls?
The answer: That you manifest the goodness of your imams, that you show politeness and good manners, and that you treat people with kindness, gentleness and mercy, and that you imitate, as much as you can, the example of Lady Al-Zahra (peace be upon her) and the righteous women, and that you acquire knowledge through which you know the life of the Messenger of God and his Family (Ahl al-Bayt), and what enables you to do the obedience you are required to do, God knows best.
2. To guide us girls to right and wrong, and teach us the difference between us and other Muslims!
The answer: You should ask about what you want to know and seek clarification about what is difficult for you to understand, God knows best
3. I want to talk more about Islam and how Alawites differ from others.
The answer of Sheikh Tammām Ahmad, may Allah protect him:
Every girl among you should set a program to begin educating herself. If she does not know how to develop a suitable program, she should ask knowledgeable people about that to guide her to a way in which she can set up her time and how to stick to reading without affecting other daily duties, God knows best.
The answer of “BAYTULHUDA The House of Guidance”:
You, the youth, are on our shoulders, and we established the association to be at your service. One of the primary goals of “BAYTULHUDA” Association is to take care of young men and women, educate them on matters of their religion, build their Islamic Alawite character, strengthen their affiliation, and define their identity; and what they have in common with others and what distinguishes them. But learning these important matters requires attending and following the classes in conjunction with your personal diligence in constantly studying, reading, and asking about what you do not know.
We ask God Almighty to help us fulfill this religious, moral and social duty.
Any new question about the Holy Qur’an, we will add it here (Administration of the Alawite Islamic Library)